Page name: *Artsie_ladie's* Friend Morningstar Rising [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-24 09:35:13
Last author: Artsieladie
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*Artsie_ladie's* Friend Morningstar Rising <img:stuff/GothicWelcmDkBlue.gif>





             I just want to write.
             I just want to say
             A few words about
             My dear friend named Shay!
             A really sweet person,
             Gentle and kind,
             A rarity, a treasure
             And so hard to find.
             Our friendship is young,
             Although it really seems,
             I've known her forever.
             Perhaps, from my dreams.
             We share a great loss
             That has shaken our grip.
             We comfort each other
             Through each memory's trip.
             We love to create
             With poetry and art.
             We try to tread lightly
             On another's heart.
             We giggle and we laugh.
             We both love the color blue.
             We poke at each other
             On occasion, too!
             My dear friend, I'm glad,
             God has our paths crossed.
             Without your understanding,
             I know that I'd be lost!

Written by [Artsieladie] for/to [Morningstar Rising]! © 2/14/2007


We both lost our Moms a little more than a year apart. I particularly love this poem that she wrote in loving memory of her Mom:


             She left us
             Her light it shines no more
             But in our hearts she lives forever
             Her smile still shinning bright
             In the memories we treasure
             There she'll be to make us smile
             The mother we so loved
             Who's gone to heaven up above
             In our dreams she comes to hold us
             She wipes away our tears
             Our fears, our sorrows
             As she comforts us through the night
             Even though she has left us
             In us she lives each day
             For in our hearts we carry her
             With ever breath we take
             Her name will never be forgotten
             By those who loved her so
             The children that she bore
             From her one and only love
             She left us
             To carry on without her
             Even though she loved us all
             She was ready for the journey
             For her time on earth was done
             Now in heaven she resides
             Watching each and every day
             Smiling gently down upon us
             Is the way I see her today
             The mother we all loved
             She'll love forever in our hearts.

Shay made this for me, a memorial to my Mom:


Some of Shay's Wikis to check out:

MORNINGSTAR RISING'S POEMS</i> <i>Morningstar Rising Writings</i> <i>MORNINGSTAR RISING'S ART</i> <i>Morningstar Rising TwistedBrush Art</i> <i>MORNINGSTAR RISING'S PHOTO MANIPS</i> <i>MORNINGSTAR RISING'S BANNERS</i> <i>Shay's Pictures</i> <i>Morningstar Rising Wiki's</i> <i>my emotions 165963



Gifts to me from Shay:

For Valentine's Day, 2007.
For Christmas, 2006.

For Halloween, 2006.
For Halloween, 2007.


Gifts to Shay from me:

Because we both like kitties! "Meow!"

"Birthday Candle Lighter!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I wanted to bring you something,
But I couldn't think just what.
I thought and thought about it.
What would make the cut?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ah, then it came to me,
Something that could light,
Each and every candle
And make your day so bright!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happy Birthday! *giant huggles*




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[Other *Artsie_ladie's* Friends' Pages:]
*Artsie_ladie's* Friend Hidden_nightmare
*Artsie_ladie's* Friend Lady Faerion
*Artsie_ladie's* Friend Starflyy
Someday I'll get pages made for each & all of my friends!</b></center>


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<img50*0:stuff/Cross_IllumTransBkgrndSM.png>May God Bless You!<img50*0:stuff/Cross_IllumTransBkgrndSM.png> & <img:stuff/MySmileyFacesSurpriseBullet.gif>Have a Great Day!<img:stuff/MySmileyFacesSurpriseBullet.gif>

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2007-05-24 [Morningstar Rising]: yes you did and I will in time, am working on a few new things.

2007-06-02 [Artsieladie]: :D Okie-dokie! New things, eh? It seems I've been hung up on computer issues & trying to update my Live Journal acc't. Yesterday, I think the lightning hit my surge protector (the phone line aspect of) for my pc, b/c I couldn't get online. I was starting to panic. I have to bypass it now until I get a new surge protector. I always dread thunderstorms nowadays. They are all so much more violent than they used to be. Argh! :/

2007-06-02 [Morningstar Rising]: Well with all the wiring that wraps around our world so we can communicate, they are bound to get worst. To many exposed cables and wires. Hope things work out okay.

2007-06-08 [Artsieladie]: *nods* At the moment everything is ok. Tomorrow the weatherman is saying we can expect some more severe weather. I'm not looking forward to it. I'm so far behind in everything, it seems, & I just started a Deviantart acc't for my art & I'd really like to spend some time there.  *sighs*

2007-06-08 [Morningstar Rising]: I am trying to start one, is it true you no longer have to take a test

2007-06-08 [Artsieladie]: Huh? Take a test? What's you saying, Willis? (From a show...Different Strokes?...I think) lol Are you talking about or Elfwood? :P

2007-06-08 [Morningstar Rising]: Sorry it was Elfwood, and I do know that show, use to watch it. How about Deviantart, do you have to take a test to have an account.

2007-06-08 [Artsieladie]: No, not for a Deviantart acc't. I decided a long time ago that I wouldn't be trying to get into Elfwood, b/c at Elfwood, all they want there is fantasy & maybe sci-fi as well. I don't pursue this venue enough to bother joining. Deviantart is all kinds of art, except porn or really violent & the like. Deviantart also accepts poetry, I discovered. :P I liked that show. 

2007-06-08 [Morningstar Rising]: Yea I liked it too. Cool I think I will make a Deviantart Acct, cause I have a lot of Asbtract art that would not fit in Elfwood. But I am going to find out about Elfwood too, cause I do have a lot of Scifi art which I have not posted on here and I do have Scifi stories too.

2007-06-08 [Artsieladie]: Sounds good to me! I'm Artsie-ladie on Deviantart. _'s & *'s aren't allowed in usernames there. :)

2007-06-09 [Morningstar Rising]: Okay I will remember that, I am hoping to use Morningstar Rising, will see if its not taken.

2007-06-09 [Artsieladie]: I like to stick as close to Artsie_ladie as I can, b/c this is how I'm known the most. :) *nods* I hope it isn't for your sake. :D

2007-06-10 [Morningstar Rising]: I now have a deviantart account, I am MorningstarRising on there, yay me. *does a jig*

2007-06-11 [Artsieladie]: Oh, so cool! I'll have to look you up there. :)

2007-06-11 [Morningstar Rising]: cool, I have not put anything up in it yet, but I will soon.

2007-06-11 [Artsieladie]: I have only one posted thus far. :P

2007-06-12 [Morningstar Rising]: Cool I will take a look at it later.

2007-06-13 [Artsieladie]: Oh, I have 4 now, 3 art & 1 poetry. Anything I put on Deviantart or Myspace has my name or username across it. This way, if anyone steals the image, they'll have a hard time removing my names. Don't want to make stealing easy for any thieves!  :P

2007-06-15 [Morningstar Rising]: thats cool, I think I will do the same, that way no one can steal my work. LOL

2007-06-15 [Artsieladie]: I figure if someone is interested in buying, I can remove it, but they will always have my name somewhere, just not as invasively. :P

2007-06-15 [Morningstar Rising]: I hear that, and I do understand

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